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Average score 2778 Vlerësime
Santiago Gagiu noted në Google

2 ditë më parë
Ovidiu Vlad noted në Google

3 ditë më parë
gilles roussel noted në Google

Les différents buffets sont assez bien approvisionnés. Juste la partie cuisson minute qui est un peu longue. (Translated by Google) The various buffets are quite well stocked. Just the minute cooking part which is a little long.

3 ditë më parë
Marc Val noted në Google

Très bien (Translated by Google) Alright

9 ditë më parë
Mathys le baron brec noted në Google

C est propre Au Bon accuel en Plus c est délicieuse Au Bon accuel (Translated by Google) It’s specific to Au Bon Accueil Plus it’s delicious Au Bon welcome

18 ditë më parë
Eva Dias noted në Google

19 ditë më parë
Alessandro Sagona noted në Google

Bon rapport qualité prix, je recommande sans problème ,qualité nourriture parfait mais pas 5 étoiles non plus ,en revanche je reviendrai sans problème. (Translated by Google) Good value for money, I recommend without problem, perfect food quality but not 5 stars either, however I will come back without problem.

19 ditë më parë
Vesna Savicic noted në Google

Large choix et très bon rapport qualité/prix (Translated by Google) Large selection and very good value for money

19 ditë më parë
Virginie Gaj noted në Google

Ce restaurant a un énorme buffet. Il y en a pour tous les goûts que ce soit spécialités asiatiques ou fruits de mer par exemple. C'est parfait pour les familles. Le personnel est aimable et les plats ne sont jamais vides. (Translated by Google) This restaurant has a huge buffet. There is something for everyone, whether it is Asian specialties or seafood for example. It is perfect for families. The staff is friendly and the dishes are never empty.

20 ditë më parë
Philippe et Marie-Cécile Henry noted në Google

Le Bon Accueil mérite son nom : déjeuner du dimanche en famille, malgré des avis étrangement mauvais parfois, et très bon moment grâce à un buffet fourni dans tous les domaines, une cuisine à la plancha excellente qui change du woke, et à un personnel très réactif. Si cela ne vous dérange pas de gâcher la nourriture, passez votre chemin car le personnel veille et il a bien raison ! (Translated by Google) Le Bon Accueil deserves its name: Sunday lunch with the family, despite sometimes strangely bad reviews, and a very good time thanks to a buffet provided in all areas, excellent à la plancha cuisine which is a change from woke, and very responsive staff. If you don't mind spoiling the food, go ahead because the staff are watching and they're right!

22 ditë më parë

Au bon accueil© 2025
Kushtet Ligjore

9 Rue Vega
44470 Carquefou, France

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